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SAN ANGELO, Texas Weather
City of San Angelo

Standard Conservation in Effect — San Angelo is in standard conservation, which restricts outside watering to twice every seven days at no more than one inch per week from April 1 through Oct. 31. Watering is prohibited between the hours of noon and 6 p.m. during these months. Runoff of more than 150 feet down any street, gutter, alley or ditch is also prohibited. More instructions are at the City of San Angelo.



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What Was That Strange Line of Lights in the Night Sky?

05/26/2024 - 23:46 , by live
SAN ANGELO, TX — A peculiar line of lights witnessed in the night sky this past weekend led many to speculate about a potential UFO sighting. The lights, which appeared in a straight-line formation, occasionally arranged themselves diagonally and vertically, sparking curiosity and confusion among observers.

626 Graduate from San Angelo Central High

05/25/2024 - 18:32 , by live
SAN ANGELO, TX — San Angelo ISD congratulated the Central High School Class of 2024. The CHS Graduation Ceremony celebrating 626 graduating students was held Saturday morning, May 25, 2024 at the Angelo State University Junell Center/Stephens Arena.