Peace Vigil Set for February 22 in San Angelo


SAN ANGELO, TX — The Peace Ambassadors of West Texas will host their second Peace Vigil on February 22 at 10:30 a.m. at The Bridge (Ministerial Alliance Building) located at 1100 Martin Luther King Drive.

The event will take place outdoors and is free to the public.

The vigil’s theme, “Love One Another,” will be highlighted by guest speaker Gary Sanford, who recently retired as chaplain and director of United Campus Ministries at Angelo State University. The event aims to foster unity and hope through inspirational words and music.

The Peace Ambassadors of West Texas, an organization promoting peace through education and relationship-building since 2005, invites all community members to attend. There is no membership fee, and virtual participation is available.

For more information, contact Valerie T. Queen, president of the Peace Ambassadors of West Texas, at (325) 226-3734.

The Peace Ambassadors of West Texas will host their second Peace Vigil on February 22 at 10:30 a.m. at The Bridge (Ministerial Alliance Building) located at 1100 Martin Luther King Drive.

The Peace Ambassadors of West Texas will host their second Peace Vigil on February 22 at 10:30 a.m. at The Bridge (Ministerial Alliance Building) located at 1100 Martin Luther King Drive.

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