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SAN ANGELO, Texas Weather
City of San Angelo

Standard Conservation in Effect — San Angelo is in standard conservation, which restricts outside watering to once every seven days at no more than one inch per week from Nov. 1 through March 31. Watering is prohibited between the hours of noon and 6 p.m. during these months. Runoff of more than 150 feet down any street, gutter, alley or ditch is also prohibited. More instructions are at the City of San Angelo.



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The LIVE! Daily is the "newspaper to your email" for San Angelo. Each content-packed edition has weather, the popular Top of the Email opinion and rumor mill column, news around the state of Texas, news around west Texas, the latest news stories from San Angelo LIVE!, events, and the most recent obituaries. The bottom of the email contains the most recent rants and comments. The LIVE! daily is emailed 5 days per week. On Sundays, subscribers receive the West Texas Real Estate LIVE! email.


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Julian Suarez, 47, of San Angelo

Second Biker Gang Member Sentenced for Deadly Whiskey River Bar Fight

11/13/2024 - 13:05 , by live
SAN ANGELO, TX — A second member of a biker gang has been sentenced to prison following the deadly October 2, 2022, brawl at the Whiskey River Saloon, 125 E. Concho Ave., that resulted in the death of U.S. Marine Bryce Rudisell. Rudisell was fatally stabbed through the heart by Ray Vera, a fellow member of the Bandito-affiliated motorcycle gang.

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Menard, of All Places, Named a "Tourism Friendly" Destination

12/06/2024 - 16:08 , by live
AUSTIN, TX — Governor Greg Abbott announced the city's designation as a Tourism Friendly Texas Certified Community, marking a significant achievement for the small town. This recognition, granted by Travel Texas, highlights Menard's commitment to leveraging tourism for economic growth and job creation. The designation positions Menard as a vibrant destination, emphasizing its potential to draw visitors from across the state and beyond.

Texas Poised to Lead the Nation in Banning THC

12/06/2024 - 09:09 , by live
LUBBOCK, TX — Senator Charles Perry, joined by Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, has announced plans to introduce legislation aimed at banning all consumable hemp products containing THC in Texas. Senator Perry will carry the bill, designated as Senate Bill 3 (SB 3), which reflects its high priority within the upcoming legislative session.