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SAN ANGELO, Texas Weather
City of San Angelo

Standard Conservation in Effect — San Angelo is in standard conservation, which restricts outside watering to twice every seven days at no more than one inch per week from April 1 through Oct. 31. Watering is prohibited between the hours of noon and 6 p.m. during these months. Runoff of more than 150 feet down any street, gutter, alley or ditch is also prohibited. More instructions are at the City of San Angelo.


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In a country of 50 states, glued together by a federal government that sometimes seems far away and out of touch, the State of the Union address serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of our nation and the importance of collective action in shaping our shared future.

Darby Addresses Last Night's Victory

03/06/2024 - 16:19 , by live
SAN ANGELO, TX — Representative Drew Darby won re-election to the Texas House of Representatives Tuesday night, beating his, Stormy Bradley, challenger with over 56% of the vote across House District 72, including garnering 60% in six of the ten counties in the district.
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