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SAN ANGELO, Texas Weather
City of San Angelo

Standard Conservation in Effect — San Angelo is in standard conservation, which restricts outside watering to twice every seven days at no more than one inch per week from April 1 through Oct. 31. Watering is prohibited between the hours of noon and 6 p.m. during these months. Runoff of more than 150 feet down any street, gutter, alley or ditch is also prohibited. More instructions are at the City of San Angelo.



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Altima Clips an Infiniti and Winds Up in a Ditch

06/02/2024 - 19:05 , by live
SAN ANGELO, TX – A dark blue Nissan Altima reportedly clipped the rear end of an Infiniti SUV, causing it to spin out of control and crash into a stop sign at the intersection of US 277 and Old Ballinger Highway. The Altima flattened the stop sign for eastbound traffic on Old Ballinger Highway.

Reducing Crime Within My First 100 Days

PAID POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT — I have served in the San Angelo Police Department for 33.5 years. I love it. With your help, I’ll spend the last phase of my career serving as police chief, and I’m excited to help the next generation of officers prepare to provide an ever-safer future for San Angelo.