Here's the guide to the first weekend of the two weekend music fest. In all, 33 music artists will perform on 10 stages throughout San Angelo starting Friday night, July 29. The concert series continues through August 5.
San Angelo Health officials Friday afternoon confirmed another Covid-19 fatality in Tom Green County. That brings the total number of Covid fatalities in Tom Green County to 556.
Fort Concho on Thursday began their celebration of the National Buffalo Solider Day with an event that included a retreat ceremony and a three volley salute.
The greater roadrunner is an iconic image for Texans that can be seen in every county of the state and is one of the toughest birds around—it’s even known for eating rattlesnakes.
Flores, 41, was sentenced to two life sentences to run consecutively and one charge of arson. The sentencing closes a Texas Ranger Unsolved Crimes Investigation Program (UCIP) case nearly two decades old.
Ranger College will use funds from the JET program to purchase and install automotive technology equipment to initially train more than 120 students for automotive industry careers.
The White House is trying to fool Americans into believing what numbers can't hide, the economy is in a recession and this is due to their failed liberal economic policies.