A San Angelo Democrat hand delivered a rambling, three page 'press release' to San Angelo LIVE! Tuesday afternoon attacking San Angelo Mayor Brenda Gunter, Immanuel Baptist Church "Pastor Buc," the San Angelo City Council, and by inference Tom Green County elections officials over the Sanctuary City Proposition on the Nov. ballot.
Game bird hunters should consider precautions such as disposing carcasses properly, wearing gloves when processing, avoiding consumption or processing of any sick bird, cleaning and disinfecting tools between carcasses using 10% bleach solution and cooking meat to proper temperature of 165 F.
The Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife on Monday released a list of seven places in West Texas that will be stocked with 9-inch Channel Catfish this weekend.
He has also accompanied such notable performers as Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo, Andrea Bocelli, Randy Newman, Dudley Moore, Bobby Shew, the Village People and the Moody Blues.