El Paso Border Agents Brace for Overwhelming Invasion Thursday


WASHINGTON – Beginning today, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents and officers – along with law enforcement partners from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement – will conduct a targeted enforcement operation in El Paso. Immigration enforcement agents will process individuals for vetting and placement into Title 42 expulsion or Title 8 removal proceedings, as applicable.

Noncitizens who pose a threat to national security or public safety will be transferred to ICE for detention.

“As we have said repeatedly, individuals who do not have a lawful basis to remain will be removed,” said Acting Commissioner Troy Miller. “Individuals should not listen to the lies of smugglers and instead use lawful pathways to protection.”

The guidelines for enforcement actions in or near protected areas remain in place, and ICE and CBP will not take enforcement action in or near a location that would restrain people’s access to essential services or engagement in essential activities to the fullest extent possible.

Separately, in the interest of border security and to protect the traveling public, infrastructure, and CBP’s workforce, the Office of Field Operations will be temporarily reducing processing lanes and passenger operations at the Paso Del Norte port of entry. CBP continuously evaluates its operational posture to determine if additional reductions in processing and operations are necessary, and will communicate additional changes to the public as they occur. Travelers are encouraged to utilize alternate ports of entry.

DHS continues to implement the multi-agency plan to humanely manage the border through enforcement, deterrence, and diplomacy. We are continuing to coordinate closely with local officials and community partners to address challenges facing the El Paso community.

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Don't be so pessimistic. The Democrats are playing the long game here. They understand that if they ruin the economy that there won't be any reason for immigrants to keep coming to the States.

Ingenious. ? 

Let's keep bussing my coethnics to the Empire state! So far they are creating all of the beautiful, glorious chaos I had anticipated and show every sign of hunkering down for the long haul.

Beyond making a point, it puts them in the center of immense financial opportunity and is immensely entertaining in a historical sense. Though I can't imagine what benefit Anglo-Americans imagined would come from allowing the underclass of foreign nations to come flooding through their gates, at this point it seems pretty clear that their heads aren't on straight, that the fight's not in them, and I'm gonna push for gibs.

We need those guys that are out there fixing cars with plastic cola bottles and rubber bands and who pull power right from the utility pole up in NYC siphoning off free water into back alley hot tubs and waiting the harsh winters out in Central Park igloos equipped with cable connected HDTVs.

We should also give them some supplies to set up little colonies in that vacant space north of the US.

(Edit: Make the mayor of NYC pay for the supplies. If he tries not to, call him a "monster." ?)

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