The State is taking steps to open new fuel supply lines to ensure truckers, agriculture producers, emergency responders, and anyone else that runs on diesel will be able to get food to stores and supplies to Texans in need.
The City of San Angelo water system is limping back to life as periods of low water use, like overnight, are allowing the water treatment plant to pump water to more areas of the approximately 620 miles of water pipe interconnected with storage tanks.
The City of San Angelo has officially announced that after weeks without access to clean drinking water, PaulAnn residents are now under a boil notice. According to officials, the do-not-drink notice was rescinded with the approval of TCEQ.
The north-south street located in the middle of Texarkana is the dividing line between Texas and Arkansas. The center stripe is the state line. In the video taken Feb. 16, snowplows had already cleared the Arkansas side, but the Texas side remained slippery and snow covered.
SAN ANGELO, TX — The Walmart Neighborhood Market at at 5154 Knickerbocker Road has re-opened after closing early yesterday because the city water was unavailable at the location.