The San Angelo State Park will host a series of public events throughout May, inviting guests of all ages to explore nature and wildlife in diverse and engaging ways.
The upcoming days will bring a significant increase in temperatures, with triple-digit heat expected early next week, according to the National Weather Service.
SAN ANGELO, TX —Corrections Officers at the Tom Green County Jail report 11 individuals were booked since midnight, May 16, 2024, on charges ranging from drug possession to trespassing and "walking with traffic".
Court documents reveal more about the accusations against the assistant band director at Wall High School who faces federal charges for allegedly transferring obscene material to minors.
SAN ANGELO, TX — The Wall ISD assistant band director Joshua Carroll, who was accused of messaging girls from an anonymous account on TikTok was re-arrested late yesterday, May 15, 2024, and placed on a U.S. Marshal hold.