Animal Advocates Plan Protest Over San Angelo Shelter Policy Changes


SAN ANGELO – Animal welfare advocates are organizing a peaceful public gathering to protest recent policy changes at the San Angelo Animal Shelter.

Related Story: San Angelo Animal Shelter Eases Intake Rules as Stray Dog Numbers Rise

The Animal Shelter stated it has lifted its intake restrictions to reduce the number of stray dogs on the streets. Concho Valley PAWS, a local nonprofit, is concerned that will lead to more animals being euthanized.

Concho Valley PAWS announced a “Plan of Action Meeting” scheduled for Monday, March 3, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Westside Baptist Church Gym, 3980 West Houston Harte. 

The meeting will provide information for those interested in advocating for the welfare of shelter animals and preparing public comments for the upcoming San Angelo City Council meeting.

The protest is set for Tuesday, March 4, at 8 a.m. in the parking lot of the McNease Convention Center, where demonstrators will gather before the 8:30 a.m. City Council session at 500 Rio Concho Drive. Organizers encourage participants to attend and voice concerns over shelter policies.

A flyer accompanying the announcement urges residents to unite in calling for “ethical and moral policies and practices” at the city shelter. Supporters can purchase advocacy materials, including T-shirts and yard signs, through the Concho Valley PAWS website.

For more information, visit

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