Kiewit’s solar installation has hired a TDA licensed Commercial Burn Manager to oversee the safe execution of the continued burning of the woody debris being cleared for the solar installation on this private property.
16 individuals were arrested and booked into the Tom Green County Detention Center over the last 24 hours on charges including Online Solicitation of a Minor, Evading Arrest and Drug & Alcohol charges.
A motorcycle was destroyed in a series of crashes on S. Bryant Blvd. stretching from at least Ave. N by the new McDonald's restaurant to Ave. L by Santa Fe Furniture Tuesday night.
Tom Green County Sheriff Nick Hanna presided at a ceremony Tuesday morning in the Commissioners Courtroom at the Keyes Building downtown celebrating the promotion of two Deputies to Command Staff.
There are currently eight houses in the new addition for sale on the extension of Silver Spur and also facing Canyon Rim. Clearview will be the second street in the new addition.
San Angelo City Council members Tuesday approved issuing $44 million in bonds to complete the Nasworthy sewer line project during their regular meeting.