Holcomb Road Wildfire Still Smoldering After Ten Days


OZONA, TX – The Holcomb Road Wildfire is nearly out after burning more than 20,000 acres of land in Crockett and Val Verde counties. 

As previously reported on Sunday, April 19, firefighters with the Texas A&M Forest Service were called in to fight a wildfire along with Crockett County firefighters near Holcomb Road at around 7 p.m. Sunday.  Check out the article here: Crockett County Wildfire Burns 10,000 Acres

After the initial reports the fire grew to it's largest size at nearly 26,500 acres on April 23.

The following day TAMFS reported that crews suppressed the fire down to 21,043 acres and got it at 25% contained. This is the day that crews completely set up the perimeter and began to control the fire. On April 27 the TAMFS stated that the fire containment was at 45% and that the fire was 25,958 acres.

According to the TAMFS Fire containment is 57%, 25.958 acres. Current fire behavior is smoldering. Crews made good progress today and continue to be in patrol and mop up status. 

For more visit the Incident Information System website.  

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