Crews Continue Fighting Huge Holcombe Road Wildfire


SAN ANGELO, TX – As first reported on Sunday, April 19, firefighters with the Texas A&M Forest Service were called in to fight a wildfire along with Crockett County firefighters near Holcomb Road at around 7 p.m. Sunday.  Check out the article here: Crockett County Wildfire Burns 10,000 Acres

Since then the fire has grown and on April 23 the fire hit its largest size at nearly 26,500 acres. 

On April 24 TAMFS reported that crews suppressed the fire down to 21,043 acres and got it at 25% contained.

Now that crews have completely set up the perimeter they have began to control the fire. On April 27 the TAMFS stated that the fire containment was at 45% and that the fire was 25,958 acres.

"Fire behavior is low to moderate across the fire." said Robyn Griffith with the TAMFS. "Crews are making good progress with constructing, holding, and patrolling containment line."

The FAA shut down the airspace to give air tankers and helicopters room to fight the fire. The shutdown was lifted Saturday.

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