RBF is real and according to psychology experts, science plays a role in this affliction. Resting bitch face has become a common term used to describe someone who may not have the friendliest face.
Following the expiration of the five-year engineering agreement with KSA Engineers, the airport submitted a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to which six firms submitted a proposal: GEE, KSA, Centurion, Jviation, PSC and Garver.
Governor Abbott demanded that the Biden Administration make clear what they are doing to prosecute human traffickers and address the surge in border crossings.
A "mentally disturbed" suspect is in police custody after he held 11 National Guardsmen at gunpoint. The guardsmen were transporting COVID-19 vaccines to the City of Matador.
OPINION — Last fall, when I learned I’d been selected the 2020 Media Person of the Year by the Texas Sheep & Goat Raisers Association, my first reaction was, ‘What?’