Flores, 41, was sentenced to two life sentences to run consecutively and one charge of arson. The sentencing closes a Texas Ranger Unsolved Crimes Investigation Program (UCIP) case nearly two decades old.
The White House is trying to fool Americans into believing what numbers can't hide, the economy is in a recession and this is due to their failed liberal economic policies.
The Lubbock Police Department has arrested three individuals for child abandonment or neglect after a child was discovered outside in 100-degree heat in their underwear.
The shipment was carefully examined and on July 15, the merchandise was declared to be counterfeit by the rightful trademark owner. On July 19, the shipment was appraised with a Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price of $1,420,856.64.
Agents apprehended four illegal migrants and a search of the vehicle revealed five bundles of marijuana weighing more than 235 pounds with a street value more than $188,000.