Warm Temps and Isolated Showers Expected This Week


SAN ANGELO, TX — Residents in the San Angelo area can expect warm temperatures and isolated showers today, according to the latest forecast from the National Weather Service.

Highs are expected to reach the mid-to-upper 90s, with a slight chance for isolated showers and thunderstorms, particularly south of Interstate 20.

National Weather Service

National Weather Service

Winds will be from the east to southeast at 10 to 15 mph, with some higher gusts. The relative humidity will range between 25% and 35%, which elevates the fire threat across the region.

As the week progresses, temperatures are forecast to remain in the mid-90s, with daily chances of showers and thunderstorms continuing through Saturday. The highest probability of precipitation is expected on Wednesday, with a 50% chance of rain. Nighttime temperatures will be cooler, dropping to the low 70s.

National Weather Service

National Weather Service

National Weather Service

National Weather Service

While the temperatures this week are anticipated to be slightly cooler than last week, they will remain close to normal for this time of year. 

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