Cooler Temps Sweep West Central Texas, Warm-Up Expected by Weekend


SAN ANGELO, TX – Residents across West Central Texas are waking up to cooler weather as temperatures dip to slightly below normal today, with afternoon highs in the low 60s and plenty of sunshine, according to the National Weather Service.

North winds between 5 and 10 mph will keep conditions crisp, with San Angelo and surrounding areas like Ballinger, Coleman, and Sterling City reaching highs around 61°F. Big Lake and Sonora may see slightly warmer temperatures in the mid-60s.

National Weather Service

National Weather Service

Tonight, expect low temperatures well down into the 30s for most areas. A few of the usual low lying areas along creeks, lakeshores, and river valleys across the Hill Country, Heartland, Edwards Plateau, and even Concho Valley may drop to freezing or even into the upper 20s. Should be very short-lived however and occur right around sunrise Thursday morning, the National Weather Service stated. 

National Weather Service

National Weather Service

Looking ahead, the region will remain cool through Friday, with highs gradually climbing back into the 70s by Saturday. San Angelo is forecasted to reach 75°F this weekend, while warmer areas like Junction and Brownwood could see temperatures approach the 80s.

Dry conditions are expected to persist throughout the week, providing ideal weather for outdoor activities as the weekend brings a warming trend.

National Weather Service

National Weather Service

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