Man Attacks Postal Worker Over Kamala Harris Campaign Ads, Police Say


FARMINGTON HILLS, MI - A Michigan man is facing charges after allegedly attacking a U.S. Postal Service worker with a knife in response to receiving political flyers supporting Vice President Kamala Harris.

Russell Valleau, 61, of Farmington Hills, was arrested Thursday after he reportedly confronted the mail carrier, hurling racist and sexist slurs before lunging at her with a knife, according to local police. The postal worker, fearing for her safety, used pepper spray to defend herself before Valleau fled the scene.

It happened around 5 p.m. when police were called to the scene by the mail carrier, who said she had been targeted by an intoxicated man upset over political ads in his mailbox. Valleau was arrested nearby.

Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald said Valleau had complained about receiving campaign ads for Harris and used derogatory language toward both the vice president and the mail carrier. Valleau has been charged with felony ethnic intimidation, which carries a penalty of up to two years in prison, and misdemeanor assault. He pleaded not guilty, and his next court date is scheduled for Oct. 27.

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