Abilene Mother Fears 12-Year-Old Daughter Victim of Human Trafficking


According to local Abilene news, a mother, according to details from an Abilene Police Department search warrant, fears her 12-year-old daughter fell victim to human trafficking.

The mother told police she overheard her daughter telling her siblings she was given drugs and forced to have sex with men while in Dallas.

According to documents, the mother initially called the APD on May 31. Additionally, Homeland Security in San Angelo received information about the girl from Traffick911, a Texas organization that works to free youth from sex trafficking. The organization then contacted the mother.

The Abilene news source said Traffick911 provided Abilene police with three Facebook accounts on July 7. These accounts belonged to the same user and contained several photographs of the girl posing in a seductive manner. There were also images of her and other women in minimal clothing.

Many of the 12-year-old girl's Facebook friends appear to be adult men, noted the search warrant.

Police also confiscated and searched the grandmother's (of the girl) cell phone on July 15. Police believe the girl used her grandmother’s phone to communicate on Facebook Instant Messenger and Facebook with several of her “older friends” who may also be involved.

In April of this year, Nicole Levy-Nale, the research project director for the Institute of Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault for Social Work Research at the University of Texas at Austin, discussed the importance of being aware of human trafficking. Texas is considered a hub of human trafficking (see story here).

Additionally, if people locally have a concern, they should contact SAPD, the Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office Crisis Intervention Unit at (325)658-3921, or they can contact the Rape Crisis Center at (325)655-2000. The staff there can help them with a report, education, or finding the right resources.

For more information about this topic, visit http://taasa.org/resources-2/human-….

There is an estimated 27 million adults and children who are victims all over the world, and together, they assimilated $150 billion in illicit profits for those who exploit them.

Read more: http://sanangelolive.com/news/san-angelo/2016-04-22/human-trafficking-importance-awareness-san-angelo
Copyright © Hyde Interactive, Inc.
Institute on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Center for Social Work Research

Read more: http://sanangelolive.com/news/san-angelo/2016-04-22/human-trafficking-importance-awareness-san-angelo
Copyright © Hyde Interactive, Inc.
Institute on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Center for Social Work Research

Read more: http://sanangelolive.com/news/san-angelo/2016-04-22/human-trafficking-importance-awareness-san-angelo
Copyright © Hyde Interactive, Inc.

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