Blown Tire Snarls Traffic on Loop 306


SAN ANGELO, TX—Highway traffic on the loop slowed down to one lane after a blown tire left one vehicle in the road. 

On Thursday, eastbound traffic on Loop 306 on the bridge near Lowes, a grey Hona Accord blew a tire and was stranded near the median.

San Angelo Police Department Officers and the San Angelo Fire Department responded to the call to help move the car off the road. No injuries were reported, and no other crashes occurred because of the blown tire.

Law enforcement closed the loop down to one lane from 12:20 p.m. to around 1 p.m. 

Blown tire slows traffic on Loop 306 near Lowes

Blown tire slows traffic on Loop 306 near Lowes

(San Angelo LIVE! Photo/Lucas Banda)


Law enforcement closed the loop down to one lane from 12:20 p.m. to around 1 p.m. 

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