The race for San Angelo’s police chief took on a harsher tone Tuesday night as the four candidates faced-off during the San Angelo Tea Party candidate forum at the West Texas Training Center.
Those participating in the debate were incumbent Chief of Police Tim Vasquez, who faced off against three challengers for his position: SAPD Lt. Frank Carter, Jeff Davis and SAPD Lt. Mike Hernandez.
The issue that turned the otherwise bland theater into a feisty exchange was the alleged retaliation against subordinates who ran against Vasquez in the previous and current elections. In the exchange, Mike Hernandez, along with a spurned applicant who wanted to rejoin the SAPD, questioned Vasquez’s faith.
An audience member posed a question about what will happen to the opponents who lose the election. How bad can a former opponent be punished?
“I worked my way up from the bottom…I’m covered by civil service. There’s nothing that can happen,” said Lt. Frank Carter. He explained how he earned his rank and that the rules of employment at the SAPD protect him and the others. Then he paused and quipped, “They can move me to nights.” The audience laughed.
[[{"fid":"20131","view_mode":"preview","type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"Lt. Frank Carter at the Tea Party police chief candidates' forum on April 12, 2016. (LIVE! Photo/Joe Hyde)","title":"Lt. Frank Carter at the Tea Party police chief candidates' forum on April 12, 2016. (LIVE! Photo/Joe Hyde)","class":"media-element file-preview imgbody"}}]]
Above: Lt. Frank Carter at the Tea Party police chief candidates' forum on April 12, 2016. Roy Dean, moderator, is in the red shirt. Vasquez is in the foreground. (LIVE! Photo/Joe Hyde)
Candidate Lt. Mike Hernandez was assigned the graveyard shift, he said, after confiding with Vasquez that he intended to run for chief against him.
“Out of sight, out of mind,” Hernandez has said publicly more than once.
Jeff Davis turned the question into a critique of cronyism and the buddy system of the current chief and past chiefs, and how ‘cronyism’ is used to select the assistant chiefs, the highest-ranking officers within the department who surround the incumbent.
Davis’ solution is to create a committee of current SAPD officers not wanting to be promoted, mixed with personnel from Goodfellow AFB, to select assistant chiefs.
“I was tired of it when I worked there. [Those selected] are whoever the candidate’s buddies are, whether they were qualified to do the job or not. That’s who became the assistants,” Davis said.
Hernandez was next.
“I will continue to do my job with a smile on my face. I don’t choose to be on deep nights,” Hernandez said.
[[{"fid":"20132","view_mode":"preview","type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"Vasquez, who was clearly underfire Tuesday night, attempts to maintain composure. (LIVE! Photo/Joe Hyde)","title":"Vasquez, who was clearly underfire Tuesday night, attempts to maintain composure. (LIVE! Photo/Joe Hyde)","class":"media-element file-preview imgbody"}}]]
Above: Vasquez, who was clearly under fire Tuesday night, attempts to maintain composure. Carter, Davis and Hernandez listen. (LIVE! Photo/Joe Hyde)
Vasquez denied retaliation happens, and as proof, gave examples of former opponents still on the job, as well as two examples of promoting former opponents.
“In 2004, I ran against four opponents (who were also in the SAPD), and all four of them kept their job. In 2008, I ran against five opponents, and they all kept their jobs,” Vasquez said. “In fact, I transferred one from patrol into administration because he wanted to get a taste of it (top leadership). He requested the transfer and I gave him the opportunity. And I’ve promoted one of my opponent’s wife to lieutenant—the first female officer promoted to lieutenant in the department.”
By this time, the forum’s length was extending into the 1.25-hour mark. The moderator suggested the forum continue.
“As long as people aren’t walking out, I’m going to keep calling on you,” the moderator and San Angelo Tea Party President Roy Dean said.
A man from the back of the audience stood up right after Dean extended the forum.
“I wanted to talk about what Mike (Hernandez) said about being a police officer and you get black balled and singled out,” Richard Bart said as he approached the candidates’ table, walking up the center aisle.
“I was a (San Angelo) police officer for 3.5 years. I left at Meet and Confer,” Bart said. Meet and Confer is the legal forum that meets periodically so the city manager’s staff and selected representatives of the SAPD can hash out issues, such as police pay.
“I told city council if they didn’t give us a pay raise, I’m walking. And I went to Walmart (for a job) and made double my money. I didn’t get spit at (anymore). I (still) did get cursed at,” he said.
The audience laughed.
“I felt that the Lord was telling me to come back and be a police officer, so I applied and Tim Vasquez said, ‘Come back. I really wish you were here.’”
Bart apparently didn’t get rehired.
“I was a police officer; I was a recruiter; I was given the chief’s award for recruiting. But then I backed Jeff Davis for police chief in 2012, and I can’t pass my background investigation now,” he said.
“My question is, is that proof that Mike (Hernandez) was put into his position because he declared he was going to run?” Bart asked. Then he turned to Hernandez. “Four years ago, there’s a picture of you (Hernandez) hugging the chief, and now, four years later, you’re running against the chief. But I asked you (back in 2012) why I didn’t pass the background. ‘It’s against my ethics to tell you, Mr. Bart,’ you said then… What does that tell everybody in here? In 2012, you backed him (Vasquez) and now you don’t. What’s the difference?”
Hernandez took the opportunity to respond.
“You don’t stay with the captain of the Titanic if the Titanic is going down,” Hernandez replied. “The chief was in a better place at one time. And (back then) he talked about being on the Walk to Emmaus. He was my sponsor for the Walk to Emmaus. I’m in a great place today; I don’t think he’s in a great place today. That’s why. I’m not his friend anymore, if you will (understand).”
Hernandez continued, “In reference to your background investigation, as a peon, a lieutenant, when the chief tells you to do something, or that you can or can’t do something, then I can’t do it. That’s it. I apologize. That’s all I can say.”
Vasquez faced a political attack involving a city personnel issue with Bart’s employment application. As a senior leader at the City of San Angelo, Vasquez cannot reveal personnel issues in any public forum.
“Richard Bart, if you don’t know, I can tell you privately why you haven’t been hired. Or, I can tell you publicly. But to sit here and call me out in front of everyone…”
Vasquez was interrupted.
“If you want to talk to me about morality, I’ll be more than happy to talk about it, sir,” Bart said. A couple of shouts came from the audience. “Ricky, Ricky,” they shouted, attempting to shut down the confrontation.
“Let’s keep this civil folks,” moderator Dean demanded.
Bart interrupted again.
“I’m not here to be ashamed about everything in my life. ‘He who has not sinned, cast the first stone,’” Bart said.
“If you have an issue with Vasquez, you need to take it up after the meeting,” Dean ordered.
In his closing statements, Vasquez said that, as the chief of police, often times he doesn’t make popular decisions that please everyone.
“But I do make decisions that are in the best interest of the community,” Vasquez stated.
King Walker, a retired Navy Corpsman and longtime resident who attended the forum, said he thought the exchanges “let the people know the candidates more on a personal level.”
He said, “More of their personalities came out this time.”
Before this forum, King said he was growing wary of the platitudes and the silly arguments about crime statistics by all four candidates. Walker wouldn’t reveal for whom he will vote.
[[{"fid":"20133","view_mode":"preview","type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"The crowd at the San Angelo Tea Party forum numbered 94. (LIVE! Photo/Joe Hyde)","title":"The crowd at the San Angelo Tea Party forum numbered 94. (LIVE! Photo/Joe Hyde)","class":"media-element file-preview imgbody"}}]]
Above: The crowd at the San Angelo Tea Party forum numbered 94. (LIVE! Photo/Joe Hyde)
Father Lorenzo Hatch, Vicar for Sacred Heart Catholic Church, said that this forum was less controlled than previous meets between the candidates. It was good and bad, he said.
“This one was more loose. The people asked hard questions and many were really concerned,” he said.
Lorenzo didn’t think the evening’s almost-two-hour forum was long enough.
“More time was necessary. There are lots of questions the people wanted to ask,” he said. “Citizens have every right to ask questions.”
Hatch said he was one of the assigned SAPD chaplains.
There were 94 people in attendance at the forum, though most of the room was filled with supporters and family members of each candidate, some clearly marked with campaign buttons or clothing.
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I'm not sure if I'm sad, scared or just houmorously entertained. I grew up at the police department beginning the early '70's. I know that my father and my second father, former SAPD officers are turning over in their graves. I do have to give kudos to Mr. Bart for his sincere bravery and truth. As for Mr. Davis, am I to understand you no longer are an employee of SAPD? Not that it matters. Your lack of morals and ethics cross you off my list, as did your brothers. So that brings me to you, Mr. Hernandez. I'm so sorry to hear that you and Tim are no longer friends. I have to wonder how strong and committed a Chief you would be. Your boyish, school playground attitude concerns me. We now know that you have jumped ship for your advantage once, so I can not rule out it happening again. And last, but very least, we have Tim. I'm unable to address you as Chief Vasquez due to your lack of concern, leadership or professionalism shown. You have allowed crime, gang activity and trash to corrupt our city. Yet, you seem to thrive amongst it, professionally and financially. I know that you have no way of understanding how I feel. Yet I find it ironic that my opinion remains the same as it was prior to my daughter's murder. Being an only child and having only one child to raise on your own, provides you with much farther reaching vision and understanding. I can see your point of not needing more officers on patrol. I do believe it was your officer, under your command, that stopped my daughter's murderer, with stolen guns in his car, yet couldn't be bothered with booking him, and released him to continue to his destination to commit murder. And I never even received an apology. I do understand, though. I too am in a hurry at the end of my 13 hour shift. Did I forget to mention that I have been a nurse for 22 years. I also understand that we wouldn't want any cuts to effect your income. And now, the best for last. Lt. Carter, thank you for not only an award worthy career, but your professionalism, common sense, and sincere dedication to protect and serve your citizens. I hope That Tim's strategy is not to split the vote. You, Lt. Carter not only have my utmost respect, but my vote as well. I will await my retaliation, as has happened with my previous lack of support for SAPD.
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PermalinkMs Freeman, I'm not understanding how you feel the Chief was at fault for your daughters death. Can you please explain that? The last time I checked, the Chief doesn't make traffic stops and let thugs go. Maybe he should be out there every once in a while, but that is why he has subordinates running every shift like Lt. Hernandez and Lt. Carter. So if you feel it was the Chiefs fault then your stating that those two mentioned Lt's are more at fault since they are closer to being on the streets then the Chief. So your Lt Carter is really not more qualified then the Chief himself. You are speaking out of anger and your mad at the wrong person. If your going to be mad about your daughters murder, then be mad at the court system that allowed the thug to just get probation, and for letting him out of jail, and for not putting him behind bars for a long time. Even the court system is a joke in this town but they also have the constitution and laws they have to go by. Those decisions are not made by the Chief of police nor any of his officers. I know your angry and you have the right to be but not at the police. Strap on a gun and put on a badge and go patrol the streets on the north side of town and go to all the domestic calls and then I believe you will have a different outlook on our police. I'm sorry for your daughters loss. Only God knows why he picked her. We as parents, brothers, sisters, officers, humans can't explain why God takes the ones we love the most but he does. I can assure you that the Chief has done an OUTSTANDING job and no one running for this position can fill the shoes he has. That's gonna take someone from a bigger city and more expierence to fill those shoes, but no one like that will come to this low paying department unless he's already retired and this is home to them. You guys all think we have high crimes here. You obviously haven't gone to Odessa or Lubbock where people break in to your house on a daily bases and nothing is done about it. Hats off to Chief Vasquez for dealing with the troubles we've had here in San Angelo they way he has because they could be a lot worse. As for the other guys running, you hit the nail on the head on how you described them minus Carter.
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PermalinkGladly Hookem70. The garbage that murdered my daughter was a known gang member to the SAPD. He was stopped the night of the crime, driving under the influence and stolen guns in the trunk of his car and let go. Am I mad? It is far greater than just anger. Not only was this officer not reprimanded, I didn't even receive an apology. Once again, my purpose here is to prevent one parent from experiencing this total brokenness, emotionally, physically and financially, then perhaps my daughters death will have a purpose. I feel the chief should be less of a politician and more of an officer to his department. While I agree a larger station is needed, it could be lees elaborate and expensive. More officers are needed on the streets because there are far more criminal acts in this town than what is reported. Remember that Tim is friends with our local news reporters. You should widen you horizon. My daughter was a middle class white 22 year old. If a man can ring a doorbell in Country Club Estates and beat and rob the owner in broad daylight, a shooting on Knickerbocker and a high speed chase in Capital Heights not concern you, then I won't be available for your cause. I was outraged not only as a mother, but a human being, that a pervert is allowed to rape a 2 year old while her 4 year old sister watched, receive 10 years probation and not have but a handful of San Angelo citizens be outraged,so, yes, I feel a police chief change is greatly needed. Lt. Carter is far more qualified not only by his experience but by his growing up in a law enforcement family here in San Angelo. San Angelo may have a census of over 90,000, but I can assure it is quite small in the who you know department. We had someone who is more concerned with protect in and serving their citizens while being aware of his officers and their safety as well. While the crime rate in other cities and towns concern me, I feel we should have a better grip on our own. Then perhaps we would be more helpful to them. Any other Dr questions?
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PermalinkIt is a shame that we (San Angelo residents) don't have enough faith in our city council to appoint a police chief! I can only imagine what it is like working at the SAPD right now with all of this going on. What a distraction! What a disaster! Don't get me wrong...I will be the first to say I don't trust the current city council to make this type of decision! But I do think an appointed Police Chief would be better than the election process we have the future that is!
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PermalinkI can't say I agree. What I would like like to see is a fair election between no more than three qualified candidites. Voted for based on their qualifications, experience and their employment record/history.
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PermalinkYour name is interesting El Sly. Howevever, I would like to thank you for your comment. I believe most of people's actions are a result of emotions. You reacted based on your 'who cares' emotion. I'm going to guess IF you vote, it will be for Tim. No, I was not there. I was at the courthouse to 'emotionally' support 2 and 4 year old baby girls whose lives were destroyed and then thrown away like trash. Were you there? If we are just going to write down a name just so we can say we voted, I will vote for my cat. Her qualifications are as good as Lt. Carter, but far better than Tim and the other two. Your uneducated and carefree mentality is why this town is out of control. When it becomes personal for you, and it will, I can assure you I won't be available to support your cause. I will make it a point to be a any debate that you choose to moderate. Thanks. I did have a coke. .....
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PermalinkMs. Freeman, I admire you rehashing the painful experience you have had. I think that most of the people who are responsible enough to get out there and vote are people who may not have had a face to face experience with the police department and may not be as aware as you are that we need a change. And as far as your cat having qualifications as good as Lt. Carter....I saw that you commended him in your first comment, so I know what you mean is that he is your favorite!
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PermalinkI highly recommend Lt. Carter. And he is far more qualified than my cat. The crime is so rampant and violent in this town, that I hope if I talk enough and only one person hears, than my daughter's death won't be in vain. I have been a nurse for 22 years, and have seen more than I care too. If I can save ONE parent from having to exist in this continuous Hell, then I don't care that people feel like I am a bitter old lady. I'm extremely angry, and always will be, but citizens need to address these horrible outcomes before they become the horrible outcome. The violent gangs in this town are taking over the ENTIRE city. The trash that killed my baby girl was on probation for a drive by shooting, and was STOPPED that night on a traffic violation. He had the stolen guns in his trunk. SAPD released him. Am I the only one that no longer feels protected and served? Please come together to take back our family town.
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PermalinkKaren, I've sat back patiently and have read your continuing "RANTS" regarding the upcoming Police Chief Election. Myself and others included, have tried to present our point of views. However, it seems that whenever any of us attempt to present an opinion, not to your liking, you proceed to "attack" us. Karen, we are all sympathetic to the untimely death of your daughter and how this has impacted your personal life. However, this election is not about your daughter's death or you. I do share your loss and also others who have experienced the same. Yes, we are all aware of the high rate of crime in this city and the problems that evolve with population growth. If you are trying to "persuade" readers to see your way, then you might want to rethink your methodology. Trust me, you are not winning any votes here! If I were Lt. Carter and was aware of your comments, I would probably want to clear the air and steer away from you! Do us all a favor and do a better job of pointing out your candidate's "plan" and how this makes him a better candidate of choice rather than attack everyone. Your statement of how Lt. Carter will be a better candidate pretty much mirrors the statements of the other candidates."ALL OF THEM" promise to be the better Police Chief and do a better job. Karen, yes you are a "bitter old lady" and clearly, you have lots of "repressed anger." In short, VOTE FOR THE CANDIDATE OF "YOUR" CHOICE & BE MORE RESPECTFUL OF OTHERS OPINIONS! Also, consider getting some help. You've had the "Coke" so now "Have the SMILE :!)" God Bless You
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PermalinkI can assure you my anger is NOT suppressed. My trying to inform the public of the crime not reported, crime spreading to all neighbourhoods, and my exprience at the police department fall upon deaf ears, it wont be from my lack of trying. I have simply pointed out what Tim has voiced, as well as Lt. Carter. I'm sharing my personal experience to point out facts of my life experiences, is only meant to educate. Thank you reminding me that you can lead ignorance to school, but not be able to educate it.
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PermalinkSome people have more skin in the game than others. Ms. Freeman, you have my utmost respect. Anyone who would take to a public post about how this very public election isn't about YOU or your daughter's MURDER is completely full of crap. Their ignorance is showing. You are winning votes. You are the most painful example San Angelo has for why change is needed. There is too much being overlooked in procedure by leadership in power CURRENTLY and CHANGE IS NEEDED. I'd be bitter as hell if I PAID the price of my bitterness with the tears of my heartbreaking loss of a child. Hateful people like Mr. Not-So-Sly need to realize this election is EXACTLY for people like in San Angelo that has had ENOUGH.
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PermalinkI have no personal agenda other than to prevent another parent to exist everyday in this hell. While I am not fond of Tim, I would NEVER wish harm to his children. I just want our citizens to wake up and see the whole picture before they are in that picture.
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PermalinkI want to know how a person is a officer with a felony? How can he have a gun? Why is he even on PD? Karen freeman you talk like you know Davis personally? You take out the only guy running that wants to change what has been going on and getting worse? Can't see the forest for the trees? Morals? Hmmm? Look into your own family talk about morals. I think I would keep my mouth shut?
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PermalinkMr. Rogers, I don't now or ever have claimed myself or my daughter were perfect in any sense of the word. I will respectfully agree to disagree. And thank you for reminding me that I'm fighting a losing game. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. God Bless You and Your Family
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PermalinkMr. Rogers, your comment is rather interesting! Can you provide more information that might shed some light for those of us sure what it is you are talking about?
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I've come across my share of propaganda...
Don't quit your day job sir.
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PermalinkYes, I recall before going to bed last night that I placed the tip of my index finger to the tip of my nose, tapped the heels of my feet together three times and stated "THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME, THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME." WOW, this has been one hell of a dream, much like the movie, "THE WIZARD OF OZ." I'm much better now, much better now and TOTO is alive!
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