Rooster's Robbed at Gunpoint, Suspects At-Large


Rooster’s Chicken and Fixin’s 2001 W. Harris Street, just before Sherwood Way starts, was robbed at gunpoint Wednesday evening. Police said that they responded to an armed robbery call at 7:25 p.m. When they arrived, the suspects had fled on foot. “It’s still an active investigation,” Sgt. Chris Heronema said.

Police cruisers could be seen in the area searching for clues. Detectives are interviewing the witnesses, all of the employees of Rooster’s.

Heronema said no one was injured. Police are actively searching for the suspects.

We will update this breaking story as more information is available.

Update 8:50 p.m.

Police said that there were two suspects. They believe the robbers were male, but aren't sure. The two entered Rooster's wearing masks, gloves and clothing that covered their entire bodies. One handgun was brandished. No customers were dining inside Rooster's when the armed robbery happened.

Employees said that the gunmen fled on foot, but police said that they may have fled to a get-away vehicle hidden from view.

Rooster's was still open for business when the robbery happened. Unlike the Chicken Express robbery a few months ago, the robbers weren't after the night's deposit. Police are not saying yet what the robbers were able to take.

The employees on the receiving end of the robbery complied with the gunmen's requests and were not injured. "There were no shots fired and no one was injured," Heronema said.

Update 9:05 p.m.

Rooster's does not have a video surveillance system.

Update 9:12 p.m.

A manhunt is underway in the Santa Rita neighborhood. A white male wearing camouflage pants is running from police through the Santa Rita west on Live Oak. The pursuit started near Jackson Street and Live Oak when the suspect crashed a vehicle and fled on foot. We do not know if this incident is related yet.

Update 9:19 p.m.

The vehicle may have been a motorcycle.

Update 9:58 p.m.

The crashed motorcycle and manhunt that followed is being tracked on this new story. Click here.

John Basquez contributed to this report.

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Whatever came about with this armed robbery and that motorcycle chase? I live on Colorado and heard all sorts of sirens that night. My neighbor had something stolen out of his backyard about two weeks ago. All these criminals stealing and running from the cops are going to end up in the wrong backyard one of these nights. We are getting tired of all the filth, deadbeats, hippies, and other assorted burnouts using our neighborhood as their criminal playground.

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