PRISON: Rare Jury Trial Sentences Man for Continuous Lewd Abuse of a Minor


SAN ANGELO, TX — A San Angelo man has been sentenced in a jury trial for the continuous abuse of a child. 

In a rare instance, Emanuel Mathew Williams Jr., 54, was in court today for a jury trial for the continuous sexual abuse of a child under the age of 14.

According to court documents, Williams Jr. committed two or more sexual acts with a child younger than 14 between May 29, 2015, and August 24, 2015. The indictment lists those acts as aggravated sexual assault and indecency with a child.

Information from the District Attorney’s Office states that in October 2016, a police report was made by the victim, the victim’s mother, and the victim’s grandmother.

Later that night, police met with the victim who said Williams Jr. had abused her. A forensic interview was performed at the Children’s Advocacy Center as well.

After the jury deliberated, they found Williams Jr. guilty. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison and is not eligible for parole.

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CGM5, Thu, 09/26/2024 - 07:48

25 and no parole is so much better than a plea deal and probation. Maybe the next lowlife will think twice before molesting a child. Maybe I don't understand the whole process but why did it take almost 10 years to come to trial? I hope he wasn't molesting other children during the last 10 years.

The same reason it took them 4 years to send a drunk driving murderer to jail. (MONEY) Oh wait that guy is still being tossed around the judicial system and not convicted of his vehicular murderous ways. TGC only wants criminals for their money and repeated offenses because if you actually corrected behavior they wouldn't have a job.

CGM5, Thu, 09/26/2024 - 08:05

I read the above story then wanted to comment on it. I had to scroll to the bottom of the page to do that. I understand that ads support this news site, the same as television or radio but I counted 91 ads between the story and where I am allowed to comment. 

A bit off topic, but isn't it strange to think that the same "deep state," or "secret government," that is rumored to be behind everything from Jeffrey Epstein's kompromat gathering to the constant resistance of the establishment to Trump's populist movement, would also know whether or not Haim Eshed and David Grusch are telling the truth?

It's enough to make you dissociate.

"That's the man that got me pregnant, officer. Deduct child support pls."

I don't know if you are reading a different article Rita because your comment is more than a little off topic!



Abuse of minors and an unaccountable part of the government, above the law and holding onto lots of secrets? I hope I'm insanely off topic—but time will tell.

Maybe now they can offer plea bargains that include prison sentences with the assurance that if they go to court a jury will give out hefty sentences.

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