ALLEN, TX – A gunman stepped out of a silver sedan and opened fire at a Dallas-area outlet mall Saturday, killing eight and wounding seven before being killed by a police officer who happened to be nearby, authorities said.
Police did not immediately provide details about the victims at Allen Premium Outlets, a sprawling outdoor shopping center, but witnesses reported seeing children among them. Some said they also saw what appeared to be a police officer and a mall security guard unconscious on the ground.
The gunman has not yet been identified. The type weapon used has not been released by authorities.
Videos from the scene posted on social media showed people sprinting away from the stores in the parking lot as shots rang out. One showed a gunman stepping out of a car just outside the mall and opening fire at people on the sidewalk.
Governor Greg Abbott today issued a statement on the shooting at Allen Premium Outlets:
“Our hearts are with the people of Allen, Texas tonight during this unspeakable tragedy,” said Governor Abbott. “I have been in contact with Mayor Fulk and DPS Director McCraw as well as other state and local leaders and offered the full support of the State of Texas to local officials to ensure all needed assistance and resources are swiftly deployed, including DPS officers, Texas Rangers, and investigative resources.”
We will update this information as details become available.
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The madman has been identified, and Surprise! one of his weapons was an AR-type hellgun... the kind of thing no civilian should own. I guess I should offer congratulations to Wayne LaPierre, who seems to have convinced another of his gun fetish fool followers that a device designed to kill bunches of people is an appropriate thing to own. Hell awaits him.
Congratulations should also be extended to Greg Abbott and his fellow klatch of klowns in the Texas legislature for refusing to admit that a very big part of the problem surrounding these slaughters is the idiotically easy access to guns in Texas. Only a moron can support opposition to things like universal background checks, outlawing the sale/purchase of monster things like AR- or AK- type weapons, Red Flag laws, sale/purchase of high-capacity magazines (I include handguns here), and other wholly logical steps to thinking people.
We can holler all we want to about reaching out to those with mental issues. Fine. Should be done. Only now those with mental issues, those who have always been out there, find it easy to get things that kill people in bunches because of the idiocy of current gun laws.
"Thoughts and prayers" might offer some solace to those affected by these horrors, but they don't do a goddamn thing to keep more horror from happening.
Abbott is a combination of moron and suckup to the gun-worshipping lunatics who continue to build a path for the nutjobs out there who, for reasons inscrutable to those of sound mind, seek mayhem. He's a pig. He, and those like him, should be gone.
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