San Angelo Police Officer Injured While Breaking Up a Domestic Dispute


A San Angelo police officer was injured when breaking up a domestic dispute Monday afternoon.

According to Chief of Police Tim Vasquez, police were dispatched to 600 block of South Irving for possibly an assault in progress.

The responding police officers could hear a female crying inside the home, in addition to arguing with a male.  “They forced entry into the home. The front door was barricaded with a sofa,” he said. Once they broke through, the officers came into contact with the male half of the domestic dispute.

 “A struggle ensued. There was a request for backup over the radio. One of the officers received some facial injuries. He’ll be transported to the hospital.”

"The suspect will be taken to the hospital and evaluated and then transported to the Tom Green County Jail," Vasquez said.

Crime scene investigators are taking inventory of the crime scene. The incident happened just before 4 p.m.

Below: Video of the arrest


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I understand the need for Tim to be there, due to the injured officer, and of course the original officer, who was injured, and probably in transport at the time of this video, and maybe a couple of backup officers........But 9 officers alone visible in the video???? To take down one man?? Sorry but that is a bit excessive and a waste of man power, plus what all areas did these officers come from and leave unprotected to be a part of this scuffle with a lone assailant?
I actually thought he looked like Ole Sling blade himself! MMmmm HHmmmm dem biscuits dem good mmmmmm hhmmm Wonder if they tazed him?
runner, Mon, 09/15/2014 - 19:57
prayers to the injured officer. And to the poster who said excessive. So when an officer screams for help, only send one or two officers? Yeah just send one more, we only need one. wow!
Reread my comment, "I understand the need for Tim to be there, due to the injured officer, and of course the original officer, who was injured, and probably in transport at the time of this video, and maybe a couple of backup officers........But 9 officers alone visible in the video???? " No where did I say just send one, I stated that 9 was excessive.......send 2-4, but 9? If there were shots fired on the officer, or if there were a gang of assailants I could understand this many being there............but no where does Tim state that, so IMO this was excessive
I doubt any of them left the bank robbery or meth bust to go assist. It was as it should be - those who could respond, did. 2 can take him down if he's not hyped on drugs. Everyone else just makes sure. Well done fellas.
When someone is willing to assault an injure a police officer, they would not hesitate to hurt anyone else. They are a significant danger to the whole community, not just the police. When there is a large show of force in numbers, there is less chance that deadly force will be needed. Well done SAPD. How is the officer?
Considering we've had some "domestic disputes" that have ended in death lately, I do not feel the officers were being "excessive" at all. They did not know what they would be rolling up onto and with our last couple weeks shooting & a child death during domestic calls- i would have hoped they would answer in force. If it were your Mother calling in that someone was attacking her- would you want 2-3 officers or the whole calvary to show up???
Tom Green County Sheriff's Office Crisis Intervention Unit (CIU) responded to this crime scene to assist the crime victim. CIU will respond to any and all crime or crisis situations to assist victims. Most reponses are rquested by law enforcement however you can request our services by calling (325) 658-3921 or as part of a 911 request. CIU is available 24 hours a day anywhere in Tom Green County.
My Mother, may she RIP, when she had her own store here in San Angelo was Robbed at GUN POINT, 2 officers were dispatched and took down the gunman hopped up on pain killers. Of course that was in the late 70's when it didn't take, as y'all are saying we need, a brute force, just a couple of officers well trained doing their job. Maybe I'm more of a realist because of things I've seen and been through, but telling me that it takes 9 officers to apprehend 1 person(drugged up or not) is unrealistic. If this was any other domestic call the most you would have seen is 3 maybe 4, but because a fellow officer was injured more than double that showed up, as pointed out by JL, and believe it or not, I understand the family factor. Question, where did all of these officers respond from? The Station? How many sped across town to assist because it was a Brother in Arms? I know that on night and evening shifts if an officer calls for assistance an officer has to respond from another patrol area, leaving it unprotected, due to our officers being spread thin across the city(1 per specif area, 7-9 officers per shift spread out across San Angelo) during those shifts. This was more of a "family" response instead of a professional response. By the comments made here and response seen given to other domestic calls, because an officer was involved a larger(brute force) response was "called for" and a greater emphasis needed to be placed on the incident because of said officer...........more important than the woman who was getting assaulted. 1 for the woman.....9 for the officer

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