San Angelo Man Signs Lengthly Plea Deal for Crimes Against Children


SAN ANGELO – A San Angelo man accused of sexually assaulting a young girl has signed a court document Monday including a plea deal which would sentence him to 20 years in prison.

Arrest records show David Gene Wright, 41, was arrested on July 9, 2021, on aggravated sexual assault charged involving a child.

According to court documents, on April 18, 2020, in a forensic interview, a minor victim who was under the age of 14 at the time said they were in a bedroom when Wright entered. The child victim stated that Wright began sexually assaulting the child.

The victim provided detailed information about the assault.  

The day Wright was arrested, investigators completed a computerized criminal history on Wright and learned that he was convicted on June 30, 2006, for indecency with a child by sexual contact in Tarrant County.  That previous conviction enhanced the second degree felony to a first degree felony and Wright was facing a sentence of life in prison.  

The court documents signed by Wright and the attorneys indicate that in exchange for aguilty plea, Wright will be sentenced for 20 years for sexual assault of a child and 10 years for indecency with a child. Those sentences will run concurrently.

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