Pile-Up of Four Japanese Cars on Avenue N at St. Mary's


Avenue N saw a four vehicle crash early this afternoon at approximately 1 p.m. Involved are a Toyota Camry, Mazda Tribute, Nissan Titan and an unidentified Mazda car Avenue N is down to one lane both ways as San Angelo police and firefighters clear the scene.  Three wreckers are already on site.

So far, there are no reports of major injuries.

Update 1:31 p.m.

The wreckers arrived quickly and the scene is getting cleared just as fast. Officer Byrne is the investigator. The Nissan Titan has San Angelo ISD markings.

Update 1:45 p.m.

The investigating officer briefed us on his findings: Waiting to turn left was the gold Toyota Camry. There is no turn lane on this stretch of Avenue N. The next in line was the Tribute, then the Nissan Titan with SAISD markings. While that traffic was stopped, waiting, a silver Mazda 6 came up from behind. The Mazda driver looked down momentarily and when she looked up, it was too late to stop. The Mazda crashed into the back of the Titan, and the domino effect ensued.

The driver of the Mazda 6 was cited for failure to control speed.

A significant amount of oil seeped out of the Titan. Fire crews used a granular absorbent to clean up the mess.

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Doesn't matter where they're built - they're still cars made by Japanese auto manufacturers... hence the term, "Japanese Cars." Same logic as calling a Ford Mustang an American car, despite the fact it was made in Tijuana for many years.
However, I still question the implication of identifying them specifically as Japanese cars. Just odd... I guess it's the art of journalistic sensationalism at its best. Oh, look! Something shiny!...and Japanese!
jdgt, Fri, 07/11/2014 - 06:11
The title does appear a bit "racist." Why not just stick with 4-car Pileup?
Calling a Japanese car a Japanese car is not racist. A car is a car, and a car made by a Japanese auto manufacturer is a Japanese. If a term like "Ricer" would've been used, then maybe (depending on how many F&F stickers were displayed). However... Relax the P.C. sphinctor already - you're gonna get a cramp.
jdgt, Fri, 07/11/2014 - 11:24
You wasted a lot of hot air to try to explain away my "racist" comment :P I'm as far from politically correct as I care to imagine!
Still looking for the sarcasm tags in your "racist" post... and - just a sec - Hmmmmm...nope. Still not seeing 'em. I think I'm pretty much done with it, would you like your bait back? ;) BTW - I got lotsa hot air to spare.

Looking for subversive racist implications in naming the country that designs the vehicles can only be greeted with an equally dramatic facepalm. Thank God not all the cars were black. We really dodged a bullet on that one.

As my nemesis J.D. posted earlier, using "Four Car Pile Up on..." would have been clear enough. However, it got me thinking - what would some of San Angelo Live's past headlines been like if, as Chelsea eloquently conveyed, were truly written in a racist manner? Original: US 87 South at Stand Still After Crash Sends Occupants to Hospital US 87 South at Stand Still After Crash Sends Mexicans to Hospital, they were probably non-insured Original: County Parks and Water Areas Trashed by 4th of July Revelers County Parks and Water Areas Again Trashed by Drunk Party Goers Most likely from Grape Creek trailer parks! Original: Brad Bishop Caught White Dude Caught, police were surprised he was a white guy Original: Monday Night Bank Crash Investigated as DWI Three White Guys, First Thought To Be Negroes, Crashed into Bank Original: Four Car Dealership Burglaries still Under Investigation Police on the lookout for possible Mexican or Negro suspects, there is no video, but we just figure. Original: Local DPS investigators redefine prostitution Local DPS investigators have redefined prostitution to include white girls. 21 Arrested in Tom Green County Thursday night, 3 were not from Grape Creek!
That's the difference. Fact: the cars involved were all Japanese cars. Speculation: everything you just wrote.
OK, so let's all agree the new title should read, "Pile-Up of Four Ain't From 'Round Here Cars on Avenue N at St. Mary's" All's well that ends well!
Hey - at least we can actually read and comment on stuff reported here... unlike that 'other' online paper that requires $15/month for the pleasure. ;-)

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