DEL RIO, TX –Illegal alien encounters in U.S. Border Patrol’s Del Rio Sector increased 182 percent in the month of November 2020 compared to November 2019.
With increased technology and teamwork with law enforcement partners, Del Rio Sector expanded its presence and ability to arrest those seeking to cross the border illegally. In total, 8,472 individuals were apprehended by Del Rio Sector in November 2020, compared to 3,008 in November 2019. Among those arrested in November 2020, 7,951 were single adults in comparison to the arrests of only 1,793 single adults in November 2019, marking a 343 percent increase.
CBP encountered more than 61,000 single adults along the Southwest border last month, continuing to drive the trend of single adults attempting to illegally enter the United States.
“There has been a significant increase in arrests of single adults attempting to illegally enter the United States in our area of responsibility,” said Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Austin L. Skero II. “The men and women of Del Rio Sector work to detect, deter, and apprehend anyone seeking to violate the immigration laws of the United States.”
All illegal aliens are processed in accordance with CBP guidelines.
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And so it begins, the mass migration of illegal aliens into the US. The democrats have thrown open the door. No, I am not a racist! I am however a profiler. A few years ago if I were to see a group of Irishmen sneaking into England I would be suspicious. If I see a guy in a warm mall wearing a hoodie hiding his face and head and with his hands in his pockets, I won't care what race he is, I'll be watching him. If I see a group of young men (again race doesn't matter) in a car cruising around a neighborhood, I'll be watching them too.
I don't blame the people in Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador or many other places from trying to get in here. The problem is the people who are sneaking in aren't really leaving their countries, instead they are simply bringing their countries and old way of life into the US and eventually the US will be like the countries they left. Want an example...south American countries are absolutely infested with gangs and crime. I grew up in San Angelo and stayed until middle age. The only gangs I ever heard of were somewhere in New York or maybe California. I was not a sheltered child or young man but, quite the opposite. There was some crime of course but, no drive by shootings, a murder was very rare and no gang activity.
The amount of illegal aliens coming into the US has tripled because they know the democrats will grant a blanket amnesty. Mark my words, the caravans will start back up very soon but, this time they will be allowed in.
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Permalinkagree and feel the same. it isn't about color its about behavior and the country we are in now is more and more resembling the countries these people are fleeing from. the culture is vastly different and if coming illegally they already do not respect truth, law, order or our flag much less our country or its foundation. the immigrants who come the legal rightful way tend to be more law abiding. there is no excuse for lawlessness and when people condone it for themselves in once instance they can not be trusted in other situations. doesn't matter what country people are coming from or what color its the behavior they are bringing with them.
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PermalinkYou are quite character, when blanket amnesty is mentioned Ronnie RayGun comes to mind, guess why. The next time you mention "blanket amnesty" you owe it to yourself to blame republicans for blanket amnesty since the Sainted Saint RayGun, which democrat gave blanket amnesty to undocumented aliens as you allege? You really should research your topics before commenting and appearing uninformed and foolish.
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PermalinkWell, actually I do know a little history about what happened over 35 years ago which is how far back you had to reach to find a talking point. President Reagan (you disrespectful jerk) did grant amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens, after which the democrat majority in congress would not follow the plan too secure the border (go figure). Joe Biden has already made it known he will grant amnesty, stop the border wall and will probably make it even easier for illegals to come across. The demoncrats do this to increase their voting block. Some of them would sell out the US just to stay in power. Yes, I am a character. At least I'm not a sheep that follows what I think might be popular with my friends.
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PermalinkIt just so happens that the only blanket amnesty happened 35 years ago and it just so happens that Ronnie RayGuin is the one that that gave that amnesty. Lets not start blaming Joe Biden for what the senile RayGun did. Actually I labeled you wrong you're but are in fact a putz, how it is that you can ignore facts and blame others for your own short comings that is absolutely foolish at best. FYI RayGun receives the respect he earned.
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PermalinkGive them front row seats, an autographed photo of Obama, free collage tuition, and a bed in the Lincoln Bedroom.
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