Outrage Grows Over Videos Showing Man Beating Dog During Pops Concert


SAN ANGELO, TX — Some residents are upset over what they believe is cruelty to a shepherd dog seen at the pops concert at the San Angelo RiverStage Wednesday evening. A video of the treatment of the dog is making its rounds on social media.

In a pair of videos posted on Facebook, Naomi Carrasco posted with the video that, “This is a sorry excuse of a dog owner.” She believed the dog should be taken away from him.


In the videos, the man is seen dragging the dog by a collar leash. In the second video, the man is seen lying next to the dog while beating the dog on its head.

Carrasco claimed she had confronted the man a year ago about his cruel treatment of the dog even back then.

“When I stopped and talked to him, he was rude and cruel and told me I didn’t have any business butting in. I should have reported him then,” she wrote in a comment under the videos on Facebook.

According to the City of San Angelo Code, or the City Ordinances, cruelty to animals is defined as, “tortured, seriously overworked, unreasonably abandoned, unreasonably deprived of necessary food, water, care, or shelter, cruelly confined, or caused to fight with another animal.” (Section 3.07.001)

If reported and the animal services director agrees the treatment is cruel, the director can apply at the municipal court for a warrant to seize the animal. A hearing in court is required within 10 days of the warrant being issued. At the hearing, the court determines if the treatment was cruel while the owner of the animal may offer his or her defense.

If the court determines the animal was treated cruelly, the City’s animal services department can auction the dog, give the dog to an animal rescue organization, or euthanize the dog.

If the dog is sold at auction, the proceeds of the sale reimburse the animal shelter. If the dog sells for more than the expenses of the dog’s impounding, the owner receives the excess amount.

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Anyone who abuses an innocent animal is a thug, a bully, and a coward. I would not use the word "man" to describe this person if the story is accurate.

There is a reason I like animals more than I do many people. Animals are not evil, and far too many people are.

My daughter is a three month old kitty cat my son is a better 3 year old chihuahua terrier I mean Russell after my baby I don't trust people I just met animals

What that BOY needs is for someone to work him over the same way....you say it ain’t my business but let me see you do it; I’ll teach you what the dog is feeling.

People are incessantly being coaxed into believing that animals are "lesser" beings, especially by our sanctimonious religious crowd, who lull themselves into an egotistical stupor by proclaiming, "I'm among Jesus' favorite pets, because unlike animals, I HAVE A SOUL".

Had a child bore the brunt of this useless asshole's cowardly behavior, most would've taken action, on the spot.

I've witnessed the horrific aftermath of animal abuse, and I can say with a clear conscious, this disheveled POS should've been lynched on sight.

I'll agree that it was not right for this dude to act like that to the dog, it was equally sad that nobody stopped him. What I wont do is proclaim that animals are equal to humans... while that is the position I hold, don't mistake that it means people shouldn't value animals.

You pretty much made my whole argument by saying that somebody would have intervened if it was a child.

Also, you don't have to get mad because somebody disagrees with you. You get this air about your responses to a challenging idea that reek of "how dare somebody disagree with me".

My point was, that as a child would be protected from such treatment, so should an innocent animal. Neither deserve this, or any other form of abuse.

I think at a much earlier time of life, I began to recognize the self-important demeanor which some hold themselves in, when it comes to "belief" (in any brand of superstition). People like to toot their own horn. We all need a little self validation of sorts, I suppose. Whether these pats on the back are earned through demonstrable accomplishments, or simply unsubstantiated accolades handed down from an invisible friend, ultimately, most people of reason are able to separate the wheat from the chaff.

A religious leader, a pastor, a priest wouldn't keep the offering plate full, if he didn't make his audience feel "special", just as a palm reader wouldn't stay in business long, had they someday ceased to have the constant parade of patrons who all coincidentally led past lives of nobility and influence.

Assuming your "special" or "favored" is just fine, though it doesn't always make it so.

Funny that you and so many others use the word "innocent" to refer to an animal, almost as though there's a common understanding out there that people can be guilty of sin and animals can't, another commenter eluded to the same basic ideology by saying he preferred the company of animals because they aren't evil, like some people are. Why do you have to borrow from my worldview so much to make yours make any sense?
I guess it's what makes you feel special.

Ironically, it's an animal's ignorance of the concept ("sin") that possibly makes them on par, with, if not more intelligent than a human being.

An animal can't operate an IPOD, plot a Ponzi scheme, conceptualize invisible masters or find anything repugnant about sexual urges -- yet mysteriously, they're complete.

"Innocence" could refer to the natural, unfettered state of being, which hasn't been altered or disrupted by external, counterintuitive influence, and not necessarily a term synonymous with the act of abstaining from behavior which makes Jesus blush.

Borrow? I wouldn't take any aspect of your world view if it were gifted to me.

Clever words, and dark humor to deflect the flaming arrows of truth? You never did address where you got this sense of morality... I accused you long ago of borrowing it from my world view, and you never once gave even the hint of where you could have gotten morality apart from God.

But again, not every opposing viewpoint you encounter is a reactionary response to, or an attack of your brand of superstition. Insisting they are, is just your attempt to keep the sound of your Bible thumping, loud and clear, irrespective of it's relevance to the conversation.

I'm very familiar with this dance. You keep proposing, and again I respectfully decline.

Let's talk about something Lares... Let's talk about how you soapboxed on SAL for 4 years at least before I arrived on the scene, and for that W H O L E time, you have used this platform on the "rant" section as your grounds for parading what you perceive is your "superior intellect", and began bashing anyone who opposed "YOUR" views... Anyone with a working computer can type your name into the little spyglass at the top of the page and read your previous rant's on stories long before I ever stood up to the nonsense.

You seem to have a habit of seeking out the attention of those who hold to the same belief's that I do and then, ("It's my own personal opinion") you take great joy in attempting to skew the writing's, and teaching's of the Bible, upon failing to do even that, for a lack of any actual knowledge of Biblical context, you resort to personally smearing the person who "dared" to disagree with YOU!

Something you probably don't know yet, and I have tried to respect and keep to myself is, I know more about you than you think... See, I came across you in passing and quietly observed what I saw. It would have been easier for you to go unnoticed, but your "girlfriend" I assume, was proudly toting a notebook upon which she had scrawled the word's, "I Love Lares". When she spoke "she seemed to do most of the talking for you both", she spoke of having been to her hometown with you in Louisiana, oddly similar to much of what you have freely shared about yourself and her prior to my encounter with you. You never looked me in the eyes, so I doubt that you even noticed the recognition in them.

You clamor on about how you hate druggies and the criminal type for your audience on SAL, yet your girlfriend seems to have had some experience in that realm... soaking wet, she couldn't have weighed more than 90 lbs. when she was at full term in her pregnancy. I witnessed you two receive a very large donation of goods from a CHRISTIAN organization and drive away in your car, (I may be able to help if you ever need some mechanic work) and never saw you again...

For the sake of our understanding, I won't mention the name of the organization, but you strangely added a review on Google for it only minute's after I had, which I thought was strange, considering it was months after I saw you... In the review, you said it was an alright place but they would "Push their belief's on you". Tell me again about how it is I who seeks to push something? Did you not, of your own volition show up to a place that you knew was a Christian organization? After all, your girl had been going on and off for months prior to your arrival.

What I think is that the Lares you portray, and the person who's name and face SAL doesn't YET know, are very different than you have led us all to believe. I would prefer it if you became a little more transparent, lest people begin to think you as a liar.

Don't be mad that someone out there had the audacity to confront your ideas, and ultimately, yourself... At least the you that you portray. Most people wear masks, but underneath it all, everyone of us has a lot more in common than you care to admit.

Finally, while you have indeed declined THIS song, if you endeavor to further spread your opinion, you will need to remain completely ignorant of my replies, lest you eventually DANCE to the music against your own will!

Consider it a... community service... I don't like people spreading opinion's they can't support, validate, or base on greater authority than themselves.

"Let's get ready to RUMBLE........."
Other than my little snippet, I think it best to watch this one from the sidelines, anonymously.....
That way, if I say someone needs to be hanged publicly on the courthouse square, I can do so without concern of retaliation.

..Nate and I only spar here for the sake of entertaining.

At some point, a pic of Nate and I, sharing a laugh over a beer and hot wings will make it's way onto social media.

The 4th wall will then be broken.

Looking at the comments here, you'd wonder why we don't just start pushing for people to lynch the guy. Heck, we could go one step further and just couple the ol' fashioned lynchin' with some of that New World Aztec tradition and barbecue the guy afterwards. A Tex-Mex lynching cannibal mob, you know, "for the animals."

Cattlemen go back and forth about the "healthier" grass fed vs. a "tastier" grain fed animal, with some more adventurous folks giving their cattle wine, claiming it's antimicrobial properties reduce E coli, methane and makes for overall chilled out cattle.

With all that usually goes into the consideration of the diets of animals we consume, cannibals are rarely concerned as to what their meals were raised on, before they became meals, themselves.

Call it "profiling", or whatever term may detract or distract from the obvious, but Mr. Dog Beater doesn't look very appetizing. The overall appearance screams of a steady diet of meth, Hot Fries and Monster energy drinks -- not at all indicative of someone who'd contribute a good cut of meat to compliment any meal worth paying for.

Despite our ideological differences on various things, it's always best to keep things friendly, or at least civil, if not towards the subjects and content of the articles, then certainly with each other.

Not everything should rile you up so much, Nate. Jesus wouldn't be happy, though contrary to what I believe, he's supposedly keeping a watchful eye on us all.

Tread lightly -- if you don't like what I write, just "forgive me"..."bro". Turn the other cheek, and as the "good book" says, "if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out", I'll completely understand and respect your masochistic compulsion, though I'll have to admit, I'd find it entirely entertaining.

As to all the homework you've done on me, I suppose I'm flattered, though I'd much rather shoot the bull with someone who can handle an exchange of ideas, without huffing, puffing and crying, like a credulous little child who can't resist roughhousing with the big kids, despite having his ass handed to him, each and every time.

Now, I'm not so sure I feel comfortable that some halfwit, ex-con has-been peering at me and my girlfriend in public, lurking in the shadows and jotting down details of about our lives, but hey...no harm no foul.

The next time we cross paths, come up and introduce yourself to me, Nate. I'm always happy to meet a fan. You're familiar with my work (here on SAL, at least), you hang onto my every word in the rant section. I'd be glad to shake your hand, and I genuinely mean that.

I've bumped into many readers here in town. They run the gamut from those who indubitably enjoy my work, to a few who cordially, but fervently disagree with much of what I'm about. In every case, however, every encounter has ended with a smile and well wishes, on both ends.

The French historian and philosopher, Voltaire once said "to hold a pen is to be at war". You don't get into journalism (professionally or as an amateur), without expecting a few run in's with opposing forces, and sustaining a few battle scars along the way -- figuratively, of course.

Have a "blessed" evening, Nate. :)

Lares, I would like to point out a couple of double standards and fallacies within your reasoning. Above you stated, and I quote, "Despite our ideological differences on various things, it's always best to keep things friendly, or at least civil, if not towards the subjects and content of the articles, then certainly with each other."

How can you hold to that principle and state some of the things that you do about me? You don't attack my argument or point so much as you attack me, that's called the Ad Hominem Fallacy, in debate, it's a tactic meant to allow the user to deflect from having to answer to, or attack the challenging idea of another. Another thing you like to demonstrate, is the Straw Man Fallacy, that is where you attack position's that I don't even hold, you mainly apply that to attack the faith that I hold to, claiming that I believe in thing's that have nothing to do with what I believe, or thing's that I do, simply twisting them out of context.

Aside from that, not sure what your problem is, those seem to be what you resort to the most in our debate's, if you would like to nail some specific's down, we can do that, until then, I stand by my, "Don't talk about what you won't do." principle, and I expect you to continue to over-exaggerate in your description's of "Lares Brand" of justice, while others cheer you on from the sideline's because of my audacity to speak clearly and unashamedly about my position.

If martyrdom is what you seek, keep stalking my family.

I'll supply the nails, the thorns and whatever else I find necessary and completely hilarious.

So let me get this straight, you now wish to condemn me because I sat in the same room with you and you didn't even notice? Regardless of your feelings or thoughts in the matter, I don't ever intend on wasting a minute of my day to "bother" you or anyone you know, unless by "bother" you mean, challenge your idea's. You went from "cool and confident" to "off the deep end psycho" real quick. Reel it back in, nobody's going to mess with you just because you talked some smack online... I'm a bigger man than that.

I think I've made myself clear, and as ignorant as you are, you've understood my concerns.

You're a bum, and all of you look the same to me. I wouldn't recognize you from anyone currently defecating beneath the Junell overpass.

If sitting at home with one hand Googling "Lares Deces", and the other stroking your junk is what gets you off, that's entirely your prerogative. When you begin intimidating my family, we're playing an entirely different game.

You're a useless parasite, and not at all someone I can't personally handle, and will, if the need calls for it.

You've been warned, two reports have been filed, and I've asked you to stay away from my family. For your own sake and safety, I suggest YOU reel it back in, convict.

If I've intimidated you, it's saying more about you, than me, because I did NOTHING but sit in the room and observe that day. SOO SCARY!

There's not an officer of the law, a district attorney, a court at law, or a jury of peers that would consider anything I've said or done, to be a threat or harassment. YOUR perception of things has nothing to do with what the actual circumstances are, or what the guidelines of the law state.

I've repeated multiple time's now, that I have no intention or desire to waste my time with pursuing anything but smashing your idea's online. If I were intending to do anything else, I had the air and opportunity long before our little tit for tat started recently. Remember, you and I crossed path's and you were none the wiser of my existence that day... I happened to notice that it was, you, the guy with the habit of crap talking and all I did in "retaliation" ( emphasis for sarcasm)- was told you about the encounter online.

If we ever did perchance happen upon each other about the city, you would do good to know in your heart that I'm not going to bother you at all, but don't care much for being bothered either, having a bit of a past, and a family, I've done EXTENSIVE research on what is legal use of force and what's not. I assure you, if we ever have a problem, it will only be one that YOU caused, and I tried to avoid, before handling. Unless you are a junkie, drug head yourself, "which is still up for debate in my mind"- that should sound like a clear instruction- Don't mess with me, and I won't have to respond.

I can't say the same for your daily online argument's, those are open season as far as I'm concerned.

Just as a side note, I was never actually "convicted" of anything, so maybe something like " successfully completed deferred adjudication man" would better suit me.

until someone gets hurt.
Time to reel it in guys......As opinionated as you both may be, I believe you to be civilized enough to avoid an avoidable conflict.
Enough posturing, neither intends harm to the other. Smoke some peace pipe (or something).
I wish to have nothing to do with the escalating level of threatening rhetoric and hereby highly recommend a truce, or just avoidance of each other.......

"Also, you don't have to get mad because somebody disagrees with you. You get this air about your responses to a challenging idea that reek of 'how dare somebody disagree with me'." — Nathan "Free Man" Schmidt

Given the tone of many of Lares' comments on this site, I can't help but imagine them as being something like this in real life:


I'm so angry right now, I'll try to keep this rant under control. This man should get heavily fined & arrested. What angers me even more is that no one stopped him. Had I been there, that poor dog would have come home with me. It is obvious from the video that the dog is terrified of this man & also obvious that no one had the stones to intervene. To all that witnessed this & did nothing SHAME ON YOU.

The man tripped over the dog because of the way he handles it. The dog is fearful and possibly injured already! I definitely would have intervened on the dogs behalf. I would have taken an assault charge on behalf of the dog if it came to it.
Would love to go to court on that even though I've never had a charge of any kind I bet the judge would have been lenient. When people are convicted of any animal abuse they should have their rights to own animals taken away.

Just assuming that most people, confronted with such a shocking act, sit there and ask themselves" Am I really seeing what the frack I am seeing ?!?!?" situations similar have happened to me, where it is like a glass of cold water in your face, when you weren't expecting it--out of the blue. Your rational mind is trying to contemplate it. Then there are many there, that probably wanted to rip his arms off, yet, they know that any unprovoked attack on him, will result in a charge on them, especially knowing that people were already recording the incident. Not that anyone would probably have come to the defense of this maggot.

What I have found is that the same folks who are outraged at animal cruelty are the ones who hunt and ride horses. If riding or killing an animal who has no say in your azz being on their back or deciding to be on your table isn't cruelty, I don't know what is..... Miss me with that BS. When a animal can get a job, pay a bill and drive, then i will put them on par with humans, but not a moment sooner. When i hear folks call their animals babies, it makes me laugh uncontrollably. lol

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