Dallas Lawmaker Files Bill to Legalize Recreational Marijuana in Texas


AUSTIN, TX - A Dallas state representative has filed a bill to legalize recreational marijuana in Texas, as state leaders debate the future of THC products.

The bill, filed by Rep. Jessica Gonzalez (D-Dallas), would allow adults 21 and older to possess up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana for personal use and store up to 10 ounces in secure locations. Cannabis products would require child-resistant packaging and clear labeling, and businesses seeking to grow, transport, or sell marijuana would face a 10% sales tax under the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.

If passed, the law would take effect Sept. 1, 2025. However, smoking marijuana in public places or on public roads would remain prohibited.

The proposal comes as Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick pushes to ban all THC products in Texas. Patrick said the bill would not affect the state’s Compassionate Use Act, which provides limited medical marijuana access to Texans with certain medical conditions.

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller recently criticized efforts to outlaw THC, stating, “It’s time to support the will of Texans.”

The push for marijuana reform follows a Dallas city charter amendment that bans arrests for possessing up to 4 ounces of marijuana. Approved in November with 67% support, the amendment deprioritizes Class A and B misdemeanor marijuana enforcement for police but remains contentious.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has since sued Dallas. 

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