Sonora ISD Added to List of Potential School Shooting Targets for Second Time


SONORA, TX — The Sonora Independent School District stated today that the district was added to a list referencing school shooting targets being circulated on social media, for the second time.

The Sonora Police Department and Sutton County Sheriff’s Department alerted school officials to the threat late Thursday, according to a release from the school district. 

Superintendent Michael Kissire stated in a letter to the community that the district is taking the threat seriously and has increased safety measures. Local law enforcement agencies are coordinating with the district to ensure the safety of students, with a stronger-than-normal police presence near schools.

Kissire noted that a similar list circulated during the last school year and eventually included Sonora ISD. The district enhanced safety protocols then and is maintaining heightened vigilance now.

“It is not believed that Sonora ISD is in immediate danger. However, this is still a threat to Sonora ISD, and all safety measures are enhanced to protect everyone,” Kissire said in the letter.

The district plans to continue normal operations but urges parents and community members to report any unusual activity to law enforcement.

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