Odessa Middle School Student Faces Felony Charge After False Shooter Report


ODESSA, TX — A Nimitz Middle School student has been arrested and is facing a felony charge after a false report about a shooter on campus led to a lockdown on Friday.

According to a statement from Ector County ISD, the seventh-grade student shouted a false threat during lunch, claiming that someone had a gun in the building.

Law enforcement agencies responded immediately, sweeping the school for any evidence of a shooter or weapon. After a thorough search, authorities found no indication of any danger, and the lockdown, which lasted just over 30 minutes, was lifted.

The student, who fled the campus during the incident, was located later that afternoon and taken into custody. He is facing a felony charge for making a false report, which caused panic and disrupted school activities. 

Information stated that the district is also "deeply grateful to the Nimitz parents who remained calm throughout the incident and then patiently waited to get their children after the lockdown was released." 

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