Texas Parks and Wildlife Seeks Proposals for 2026-27 Habitat and Angler Access Projects


AUSTIN, TX - Texas Parks and Wildlife Department's Habitat and Angler Access Program supplies funding for projects that develop and increase shoreline and bank fishing access as well as restore and enhance fish habitat in Texas’ public inland waters.

The HAAP is looking for project ideas and proposals for the third round of funding for fiscal years 2026-2027.  Potential partners are required to contact, discuss and develop project ideas, as well as draft and submit project proposals in coordination with TPWD Inland Fisheries Biologists.

“The Habitat and Angler Access Program is an exciting opportunity for us to collaborate and support partners interested in expanding fishing opportunities and bettering the quality of fisheries for Texans,” stated Michael Homer Jr., fisheries biologist for the TPWD Inland Fisheries Division. “The program is intended to identify and implement projects with the highest potential to enhance freshwater fisheries resources and improve bank and shoreline access in public waters.”

Since 2023, the program has supported 32 projects with more than $1 million of funding from the sale of freshwater fishing licenses and over $1.9 million of matching support from partners. HAAP enables the TPWD Inland Fisheries Division to support habitat and angler access improvement projects conducted with eligible partners such as other agencies, local municipalities, water authorities, educational institutions, angler groups and other non-profit organizations.

Funding is used to support individual fish habitat improvement and angler access projects on public ponds, reservoirs, streams and rivers.  Example habitat projects include bank and shoreline stabilization projects, installation of erosion control features, deployment of habitat structures, native vegetation plantings, as well as dredging excessive silt and organic materials from reservoirs that have high potential for quality fisheries development.

Bank or shoreline-based angler access projects that could be supported through HAAP include the development or improvement of fishing piers, installation of fish-attracting features (e.g., underwater dock lighting and habitat structures), the creation of jetties, as well as the construction of non-motorized-boat launches for kayaks, canoes and other small watercraft for fishing access.

For more information or to submit a proposal, visit the TPWD HAAP webpage. Proposal submissions will be accepted beginning at 5 p.m. CDT Sept. 16 - March 31. Proposal submissions as well as additional program information may be obtained by contacting [email protected]. Approved projects will have a completion deadline of Aug. 31, 2027.

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