Rochelle ISD Confirms Threat Originated from South America


ROCHELLE, TX — The threat made against Rochelle ISD, which led to school closures on Monday, has been determined to be non-credible, according to an update from the district.

According to the update, DPS agents have confirmed that the call to the national crisis hotline originated from a country in South America.

Superintendent Matthew Fields announced that law enforcement thoroughly investigated the threat over the weekend, with assistance from DPS agents in San Angelo.

Rochelle ISD will resume normal operations on Tuesday, September 10, with additional law enforcement present on campus.

Fields emphasized that while the threat was determined to be a hoax, the district takes every potential threat seriously.

“Our core responsibility is to ensure the safety of our entire learning community,” Fields stated.

The district has also reiterated the legal consequences of making a false alarm, warning that such offenses are considered a state jail felony under Texas law, carrying penalties of up to 10 years in prison and fines up to $10,000.

Here's the original update: 

Rochelle ISD Confirms Threat Originated from South America, Classes to Resume Tuesday

Rochelle ISD Confirms Threat Originated from South America, Classes to Resume Tuesday

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