San Angelo Gas Prices Lowest in Texas as Statewide Drop Continues


SAN ANGELO, TX - San Angelo drivers are paying the lowest gas prices in Texas this week at an average of $2.68 per gallon, according to AAA Texas’ Weekend Gas Watch.

This price marks a 21-cent drop compared to last week and a 58-cent decrease from a year ago.

Across Texas, the average price of regular unleaded fuel is $2.91 per gallon, down four cents from last week and 47 cents less than the same time last year. El Paso drivers are facing the highest prices in the state, averaging $3.26 per gallon. Nationally, gas prices are slightly higher, with an average of $3.31 per gallon, down five cents from last week.

Fuel prices traditionally decrease as fall approaches, largely due to the switch from summer-blend gasoline to the less expensive winter-blend gasoline. The difference between summer- and winter-blend gasoline involves the Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) of the fuel. RVP is a measure of how easily the fuel evaporates at a given temperature. The more volatile a gasoline (higher RVP), the easier it evaporates. Winter-blend fuel has a higher RVP because the fuel must be able to evaporate at low temperatures for the engine to operate properly, especially when the engine is cold.

“Gas price averages continue to decline across Texas,” said Daniel Armbruster, AAA Texas spokesperson. “While fluctuations remain possible, prices are expected to decrease further as the switchover to winter-blend fuel nears.”

San Angelo Drivers Enjoy Lowest Gas Prices in Texas as Statewide Decline Continues

San Angelo Drivers Enjoy Lowest Gas Prices in Texas as Statewide Decline Continues

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