Harris County Precinct 4 Deputy Constable Murdered on His Way to Work


HOUSTON, TX — A Harris County Precinct 4 deputy constable, identified as Maher Husseini, was fatally shot on Tuesday while driving to work.

This happened around 12:45 p.m. at the intersection of Richmond Avenue and Fondren Road when an assailant approached Husseini’s vehicle and opened fire.

After initially shooting the deputy, the gunman fled the scene but returned moments later to shoot Husseini again before escaping. Husseini, who had been with Precinct 4 since 2021 and was recently promoted, was pronounced deceased at the scene.

The Houston Police Department launched an investigation, using surveillance footage to track the suspect to Galveston. After a brief pursuit, the suspect drove his vehicle into the water near the Causeway bridge but was apprehended shortly thereafter.

Officials are investigating a possible motive, with early reports suggesting the shooting could be linked to road rage. A witness called 911, providing information that led to the suspect’s capture.

Governor Greg Abbott issued a statement: 
"The hearts of Texans are breaking today with the news that Harris County Deputy Constable Maher Husseini was shot and killed while on his way to work," Governor Abbott stated. "The dangerous criminal who ambushed and murdered Deputy Constable Husseini will have the full weight of the law brought down upon him. Texas is a law and order state, and I will always defend the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to protect Texans. Cecilia and I ask our fellow Texans to join us in lifting up in prayer the family and loved ones of Deputy Constable Husseini."

The suspect is now in custody, and authorities are continuing to investigate the circumstances surrounding Deputy Husseini’s death.

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