90-Year-Old Veteran Killed in Houston Carjacking


HOUSTON, TX — A 90-year-old veteran was shot and killed during a carjacking outside a Houston retirement home over the weekend, according to Houston police.

The suspect, who remains at large, is considered armed and dangerous, local media outlets reported. 

The victim, identified by family as Nelson Beckett, was attacked Saturday in the parking lot of an assisted living complex around noon. The suspect approached Beckett and shot him during the struggle, before fleeing in Beckett’s car. As the suspect drove off, he ran over Beckett, who was later pronounced deceased at a local hospital.

Beckett’s car was found abandoned less than three miles away at another apartment complex. 

Beckett, a Navy veteran, leaves behind two children, five grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. 

The great-grandfather attended Abilene Christian University before working in sales, his family members told local media. He was also active in his church.

Houston police continue to search for the suspect. 

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