Texas Third-Grade Teacher Arrested in Major FBI Gang Takedown


HOUSTON, TX — A third-grade teacher from Sheldon ISD was among over a dozen individuals arrested Wednesday as part of a large-scale FBI operation targeting the “Rich Kingz” gang in Houston.

The operation, which involved multiple law enforcement agencies, led to the apprehension of 17 suspects, including Alfred Jacoby Green, also known as “Cobe,” who authorities identified as a leader of the gang. In total, 20 people were indicted in connection with the gang; three were already in custody prior to the takedown.

The FBI said the gang, which has been active in the south and southwest areas of Houston, is responsible for numerous violent crimes, including drug trafficking and several murders. The investigation, which spanned over two years, involved surveillance, wiretaps, and coordinated efforts by federal and local agencies.

The teacher, whose identity has not been disclosed, was reportedly caught coordinating drug deals during class. Law enforcement officials used wiretaps to capture incriminating conversations, where children could be heard in the background. The teacher was taken into custody at the school but not in front of students. Sheldon ISD has placed the teacher on administrative leave and is cooperating with authorities.

Authorities believe the suspects have information that could help solve approximately a dozen murder cases dating back to 2020. Since the Department of Justice’s Violent Crime Initiative began two years ago, the FBI has arrested over 65 “violent offenders,” seized more than $1.3 million, and recovered 130 firearms from criminal organizations.

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