Netflix Releases Docuseries on the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders


DALLAS, TX  — Netflix recently launched a new seven-episode series, "America's Sweethearts: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders." The new show provides a behind-the-scenes look at the life of a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader. Released on Thursday, the series follows the 2023-24 Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders squad from auditions and training camp through the NFL season.

Directed by Emmy Award-winner Greg Whiteley and the team behind "Cheer" and "Last Chance U," the series offers unfiltered access to the iconic team and franchise. Led by longtime director Kelli Finglass, the series documents the personal stories behind the uniforms, revealing the drive, hustle, and drama among the cheerleaders and coaches.

According to

"We went into this understanding that the opportunity to transparently share the journey of our season, and the emotions, challenges, and joy experienced along the way, is exactly what our fans and viewers would want," said Charlotte Jones, Executive Vice President/Chief Brand Officer and Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders President. "It's also part of the reason that, for decades, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders have earned their place as being 'often imitated, but never equaled.'"

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders


The Dallas Cowboys say that they hope the series will give viewers a new, more authentic perception of what it means to be a DCC. "Similar to how 'Cheer' made people respect that sport and those athletes in a new way that we had never seen before. The team members on DCC are all incredible professional dancers - we want to highlight their impressive skill, technique, and athleticism as well as the determination and drive it takes to perform at this level," the team said in a statement.

While plans for a second season are currently undetermined, the Dallas Cowboys are eager to see the initial response from viewers in anticipation of potentially signing on for more seasons.

"America's Sweethearts: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders" is now available on all Netflix platforms.

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