Another Midland School has Been Rocked by Failure to Report Abuse


MIDLAND, TX- More administrators from a Midland school have been arrested for failure to report abuse.

Friday morning, 4 administrators from Trinity School of Midland were arrested and charged with failure to report with intent to conceal neglect or abuse. No information has been released about the arrests at this time.

The Trinity School of Midland is a private, college-prep school that teaches Pre-K through 12th grade.

Less than 2 weeks ago at Midland Christian School, 5 administrators were arrested and charged with the same thing. A juvenile was also arrested but the charges were not brought to light.

In the Midland Christian case, a student-athlete had been sexually assaulted with a baseball bat and according to court documents the coaches and administrators knew about the assault and did not inform law enforcement.

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