LAREDO, TX – Laredo Sector Border Patrol agents, working with United Independent School District (UISD) Police Department, discovered 63 individuals found inside a commercial trailer during a failed human smuggling attempt in east Laredo.
The incident occurred in the late evening of April 5, when Border Patrol agents responded to a call for assistance from UISD Police Department officers for a commercial tractor-trailer they had stopped near the corner of Del Mar Boulevard and Loop 20.
Agents arrived at the scene and discovered 63 individuals inside the trailer. They were all identified as being illegally present in the United States and from the countries of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.
They, along with the driver, a U.S. citizen, were taken into custody pending further investigation. During the search of the commercial vehicle, a small bag of crystal methamphetamine was found. The narcotics, tractor, and trailer were seized by the U.S. Border Patrol.
None of the individuals were wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) when found. The individuals were provided PPE and medically screened. The cooperation between our local law enforcement partners in our communities continue to have a great impact to criminal element, making our communities safer. Help us to take a stand against these criminal organizations and potentially dangerous acts by reporting suspicious activity in our neighborhoods.
Thank you President biden for the illegal alien surge you alone created. Even before you were sworn in hundreds of illegals at the border gates were trying to force their way in while chanting BIDEN, BIDEN, BIDEN!
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