WATCH: Is This the Best Boat Ramp on Lake Nasworthy?


SAN ANGELO, TX – There is a new boat ramp under construction at lake Nasworthy and it is impressive.  

The new boat ramp is located at the end of Red Bluff Rd in Middle Concho park and includes a new bathroom facility.  

Here's video from the boat ramp: 

The new boat ramp has three lanes and floating docks on either side.  There is a large parking lot and the new restroom facility.  

Check out the pictures below: 

The new boat ramp facility costs $1,024,000.  It is funded in part by the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act which comes from gasoline taxes paid by recreational boaters and administered by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for the U.S. Department of the Interior/Fish & Wildlife Service Funding.  

The City of San Angelo is providing 51% of the funding or $524,000 and the federal grant is 49% or 499,500.  

The new facility is near completion and should be open in spring 2021.  

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