Police Searching for Armed Suspect Near Air Force Base


ABILENE, TX – Dyess Air Force Base and the Abilene Police Department issued a notice Wednesday that they were searching for an armed man. 

According to the Abilene Police Department, on April 23, officers with the Abilene Police Department and Taylor County Deputies were dispatched to the Hampton Hills area, just southwest of Dyess AFB, to assist Dyess security personnel in searching for an armed suspect who had just jumped over the perimeter fence. 

The suspect is a white male, 5' 8" with a shaved head. He was last seen wearing a long sleeve black shirt and blue jeans.

Police say an incident did occur inside of base housing prior to the suspect escaping the perimeter. 

Anyone who sees the suspect is asked to call 911 or the command post, if you're on base, at 325-696-1921.

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