Disturbance in Brady Leads to Felony Arrest


SAN ANGELO, TX - On December 6, at approximately 8:45 pm., Brady officers were dispatched to the 600 block of South 5th Street in reference to an active disturbance involving a male and female.

"Upon arrival, officers separated both parties and observed obvious facial injuries to the female subject," said BP officials. "Further investigation and corroborating statements showed that violence between both subjects did occur, with the intoxicated male subject being identified as the primary aggressor."

Based on the facts and circumstances, Bruce Lynn Plumley, a 39-year-old resident of Brady, was arrested and transported to the McCulloch County Sheriff's Office. He was booked and jailed pending arraignment by a magistrate, said police. 

Plumley was charged with Assault Causing Bodily Injury to a Family Member w/Previous Convictions, a third degree felony.

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