CBP Officers Seize 250 Pounds of Marijuana at Del Rio Border


DEL RIO, TX - Last week, U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at the Del Rio Port of Entry seized a load of suspected marijuana hidden inside a commercial trailer.

According to a press release, on Nov. 25, CBP officers at the Del Rio Port of Entry import lot inspected a tractor-trailer as it arrived from Mexico.

"Using a CBP canine and non-intrusive imaging equipment, officers discovered a compartment inside the trailer that contained 316 packages of alleged marijuana, weighing a total of 251.4 pounds," CBP officials said.

Officers seized the trailer and turned it over to Homeland Security for further investigation. 

“Smugglers go to great lengths to get their illicit products into the U.S.,” said Port Director Alberto D. Perez, Del Rio Port of Entry. “The training, experience and dedication of our frontline CBP officers has prevented yet another load of contraband from reaching our communities.”

The CBP Del Rio Port of Entry is part of the Join Task Force-West South Texas Corridor, which leverages federal, state and local resources to combat transnational criminal organizations.

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