A Big Spring Man Arrested for Drug Smuggling at Del Rio Border


According to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection press release, CBP’s officers at the Del Rio International Bridge recently discovered more $1 million worth of suspected narcotics hidden in a vehicle coming from Mexico. The driver was a 30-year-old Big Spring resident.

The release stated that, on Feb. 6, CBP officers working at the Del Rio Port of Entry encountered a 2008 Ford F-150 pickup truck as it arrived in the United States from Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila, Mexico. Upon inspection, CBP officers discovered a non-factory compartment on the underside of the vehicle. Officers seized 43.7 pounds of suspected methamphetamine, worth an estimated $612,349, and 9.8 pounds of alleged heroin, valued at $393,300, from the compartment.

The Big Spring suspect, whose name is unknown at this time, was turned over to Homeland Security Investigations for federal prosecution.

“Experience and training led CBP officers to keep this load of narcotics from reaching our communities,” said Port Director Alberto D. Perez, Del Rio Port of Entry. “This seizure is yet another illustration of the professionalism and dedication our frontline CBP officers put forth on a daily basis.”

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