A Mexican national unlawfully residing in Texas was sentenced Thursday to life in federal prison for his criminal actions as the leader of a drug trafficking organization tied to a Mexican cartel.
Over 120 Angelo State University faculty and staff members, including 14 with a quarter century or more employment with the university, were honored with Service Awards during a ceremony on Feb. 13 in the ASU Houston Harte University Center.
A traffic stop in Liberty County led to the seizure of 344 pounds of methamphetamine and the arrest of three men, all of whom had been previously deported, according to the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office.
A strong cold front will sweep into the San Angelo area on Tuesday, bringing a sharp drop in temperatures and the potential for wintry precipitation, according to the National Weather Service.
Corrections Officers at the Tom Green County Jail report 16 bookings, including charges for indecency with a child, aggravated assault, continuous family violence, drug possession, evading arrest, and violating a protective order.
SAN ANGELO, TX — Shriners Children’s Texas has established a new pediatric specialty clinic in partnership with Shannon Health Clinic in San Angelo. In offering the clinic, Shriners Children’s seeks to increase access to their pediatric services, as well as reduce the travel burden for west Texas families in need of initial or follow-up care.