Powerball and Mega Millions Jackpots Soar Over $400 Million


SAN ANGELO, TX-- If you haven't bought your tickets, you might want to.

For the first time ever, both the Powerball and Mega Millions jackpots have eclipsed $400 million at the same time.

Currently the Powerball jackpot is sitting at $460 million, while the Mega Millions jackpot resides at a modest $418 million.

So far, local vendors say there has not been a major uptick in sales for the two games, but most of them expect a flurry of players later on in the day.

This event, the first of it's kind, gives players a choice at which game to target.

On one hand, the Powerball has the higher jackpot at $460 million, but a lower chance of winning at odds of 1 in 292,202,338.

On the other hand, Mega Millions gives players a slightly higher chance of winning at odds of 1 in 258,890,850, but a payoff of $42 million less.

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