Water Crisis Empties San Angelo Grocery Shelves


SAN ANGELO, TX – At the Walmart Neighborhood Market at 1852 Sherwood Way, cases of 1-gallon distilled water are flying off the shelves.

Each case contains 3 containers, 1 gallon each. At the self-checkout, customers are asked to take each bottle out individually and scan. The manager said they’re putting the water out on the retail shelves so fast that they aren’t taking the bottles out of the box case. It speeds getting the water out and saves space on the shelves for more stock, the Walmart manager said.

Meanwhile, the Walmart Neighborhood Market at 5154 Knickerbocker Rd is closed. A sign on the door said the location has no running water and are closed “per City of San Angelo regulations.”

Earlier Thursday, Market Street shelves were empty in the bottled water section. H-E-B is closing early due to the winter weather at 5 p.m.

The 3-gallon case of water available at the Walmart Neighborhood Market on Sherwood Way on Thursday evening

The 3-gallon case of water available at the Walmart Neighborhood Market on Sherwood Way on Thursday evening

If you need water Thursday night, the Walmart Neighborhood Market on Sherwood Way is the place to go.

The City of San Angelo said there are no immediate plans to distribute water for free like has happened in the past. City spokesman Brian Groves said many municipalities in Texas are struggling with their water distribution systems and although San Angelo has requested emergency aid from the state, everyone has to wait in line.

The San Angelo water system is strained due to cold weather. Currently, because although water has been restored to half the city to those on the lower plane of the water distribution system, there still is not enough pressure on the lower plane to push adequate water up to the upper plane to replenish the upper plane's water tower and tanks.

Water customers on the upper plane includes the Southland, Bentwood and most of College Hills neaighborhoods.

Groves said lower plane water customers can conserve water — use it sparingly — until the upper plane water storage devices can be replenished. The City will release more water system news later Thursday night, he said.

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